This project is the result of an assignment for Samsonite.
I made XOI in collaboration with Lars Marcoen and Amina Bouhlala. All prototypes where handmade. We started from the research question: What will luggage look like in the future?
X O I is a futuristic baggage that is neurologically connected to the human body through an implanted jewel. When someone comes into contact with the luggage, signals are sent to the neurological jewel. XOI feels like an extension of the body. The control of the XOI is similar to the movement of an arm. It follows automatically through unconscious impulses. We launched the X O I in two phases, the preparation phase and the acceptance phase.

In the second phase, we
represent the extension of the body in a symbolic way. As a result, a vertebra has been integrated into the XOI. The design of the jewel is more explicit because the trend has developed its own style. Cyborgism is now the norm.

In the first phase, the XOI has
a round and sleek design with
a simple zipper. The ear jewel is placed in the auricle. The simple yet aesthetic design ensures acceptable integration into society. The ear jewel is an accessory to visualize the neurological connection. The people who wear this ear jewel can define themselves as cyborg. In this way we prepare humanity for the merger of man and technology.